Friday, October 25, 2013

Nehru on Anti-India Activities

New-Delhi, Wednesday.

Anti-Indian activities in British Commonwealth should “be kept separate: from India’s relationship with Britain, Pandit Nehru, India’s Prime Minister, said yesterday.

Mr. Nehru, discussing India’s recent decision to remain in the Commonwealth said:

“I think it a good augury for the future that the old conflict between India and England should be resolved in this friendly way, which is honourable to both countries.

“I know that much is being done in parts of the Commonwealth which are exceedingly distasteful to us and against which we have struggled in the past.

“That is a manner to be dealt with by us as a sovereign nation. Let us not mix up things which should be kept separate.”


Following his representations to Lord Listowel on Tuesday regarding Sambasivam, who is now under sentence of death in Malaya, High Commission for India, yesterday called on the Prime Minister Mr.Attlee.

Later he called on Mr.Creech-Jones, Colonial Secretary.

It is understood that Mr. Menon conveyed to Mr.Attlee and Mr.Creech-Jones the feelings of the Government and people of India over the case of Sambasivam and pressed for staying of the execution of the death sentence pending a full re-examination of the case-Reuter

(Statement expected on Ganapathy execution – P5)

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